Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obbsession with my new Creation
handmade unisex ring made out of three spikes

ATTENTION PLEASE: Dionisios bears no rensposibility if any injuries occur, thank you!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fourth Day

At the fourth day we were introduced to a new workshop which was footwear with Jane Francis!

"Nothing is impossible..."

It started like that. Actually, without even the heel and after hours of exaustive but pleasure decoration it become as you see above!

Third Day

Helmert Robbertsen was the instructor of Body Accessories & Jewellery workshop.
I had the best time at the third day, totally awesome and inspiring lesson!

I made this dark, extravagant, giant earings! It started as a necklace but in the meantime I changed my mind and turn the hole project into earings, much better...

Second Day

At the second day of the course we did Millinary with Piers Atkinson!

This day I made these two hats. The green one, robin hood inspired and the black one made out of black rubish bag with these grey 3D objects I loved.